Updates !!!
20/10/2014 - GFF-Ex_v2.3 New version of GFF-Ex released. In this version, bugs reported by GFF-Ex valuable users in fetching sequences on reverse strand have been fixed. Users are requested to use the current version for best results.[download]
10/03/2014 - PLUGINS GFF-Ex_v2.2 compatible plugins, COLx and FETx are upgraded. The packages now include a well elaborated README file with usgae example. Further, output errors and bugs are fixed.[download]
10/03/2014 - GFF-Ex_v2.2 is released. This version gives user a freedom to install GFF-Ex in user specified directory without sudo/root permissions. Further, output errors and bugs are fixed. The package is now furnished with another example file in GFF3 format.[download]
29/05/2012 - GFF-Ex_v2.1 got upgraded. The version now can provide the description (specified in column 1st and 9th of each row) of the row (feature) as a header of the fasta sequences (output of GFF-Ex).[download]
29/05/2012 - FETx, a plugin for GFF-Ex, goes online for the scientific community users. FETx i.e. FEaTure eXtractor, extracts sequences for user specified features, cordinated within the gff file.[download]
18/01/2012 - COLx, first plugin for GFF-Ex released. COLx exports feature coordinates from specified columns and translates them into into sequences using GFF-Ex.[download]
18/01/2012 - GFF-Ex_v2.1 released, making the package more robust and adaptable towards the integration of the GFF-Ex plug-ins.[download]
11/09/2011 - GFF-Ex_v2.0 is released, making execution trouble-free. Version 2.0, an installable version, provides you the freedom to execute the program live in your working directory (README_v2.0.txt for details).[download]
06/06/2011 - GFF-Ex is made available for the scientific community.[download]
GFF-Ex Home
Bioinformatics Laboratory
Structural And Computational Biology Group
International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology