Open the homepage of the locBLAST server.
Select the program blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn, tblastx, deltablast, psiblast, rpsblast, or rpstblastn according to the query sequence in the Program section.
Select the appropriate database from the list box present in the Database section. The default database is Non-redundant Protein/Nucleotide Sequences (NR/NT).
Enter the query sequence as FASTA format in the text box (or upload FASTA format sequence file).
Select the output format for the BLAST result in the Output section.
Click the Search button or Advanced Search button (if Algorithm Parameters selected) to perform sequence similarity search.
Move mouse over hyperlinks and icons for tooltip text description.
Click hyperlinks and icons for a brief description.
Carefully change Algorithm Parameters (only if needed) according to the query and BLAST program algorithm.