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Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ProtPathDB

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  • MitoProt II - v1.101 File : /home/rajan/sadaf/4480_mitoprot/test/NF0037830.fa Sequence name : NF0037830 Sequence length : 120 VALUES OF COMPUTED PARAMETERS Coef20 : 3.846 CoefTot : -0.168 ChDiff : -5 ZoneTo : 9 KR : 0 DE : 0 CleavSite : 0 HYDROPHOBIC SCALE USED GES KD GVH1 ECS H17 : 0.529 0.806 -0.118 0.428 MesoH : -1.322 -0.009 -0.552 0.126 MuHd_075 : 13.891 10.031 5.455 1.504 MuHd_095 : 21.836 19.777 6.209 4.703 MuHd_100 : 21.109 20.028 7.618 4.754 MuHd_105 : 22.266 20.714 9.044 5.389 Hmax_075 : 9.100 11.100 3.178 3.020 Hmax_095 : 13.000 15.925 2.800 4.950 Hmax_100 : 19.800 21.800 6.392 6.020 Hmax_105 : 10.267 16.400 4.253 4.640 CLASS NOT-MITO MITO(/CHLORO) DFM : 0.7412 0.2588 DFMC : 0.7414 0.2586
  • ##### ProP v.1.0b ProPeptide Cleavage Site Prediction ##### ##### Furin-type cleavage site prediction (Arginine/Lysine residues) ##### 120 NF0037830 MCSNFNNLIDYCKSELFILDLYKTGAKPELYFIDYLSSLQEVKYGAHGYGSYFVLSVLDKYYKDDMNVNECLDVLRKCVQ 80 EIQKRLLLNTPSFIVKIVDKYGSREVDLYSDQPITESMQE 160 ................................................................................ 80 ........................................ 160 Propeptide cleavage sites predicted: Arg(R)/Lys(K): 0 Name Pos Context Score Pred ____________________________v_________________ NF0037830 13 NLIDYCK|SE 0.070 . NF0037830 23 FILDLYK|TG 0.056 . NF0037830 27 LYKTGAK|PE 0.054 . NF0037830 43 SSLQEVK|YG 0.064 . NF0037830 60 VLSVLDK|YY 0.071 . NF0037830 63 VLDKYYK|DD 0.065 . NF0037830 76 ECLDVLR|KC 0.073 . NF0037830 77 CLDVLRK|CV 0.102 . NF0037830 84 CVQEIQK|RL 0.055 . NF0037830 85 VQEIQKR|LL 0.107 . NF0037830 96 TPSFIVK|IV 0.130 . NF0037830 100 IVKIVDK|YG 0.071 . NF0037830 104 VDKYGSR|EV 0.090 . ____________________________^_________________
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Dinesh Gupta lab Translational bioinformatics group, ICGEB, New Delhi, India