Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /opt/lampp/htdocs/ProtPathDB/database/db_connect.php on line 2
Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ProtPathDB

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  • MitoProt II - v1.101 File : /home/rajan/sadaf/4480_mitoprot/test/NF0044810.fa Sequence name : NF0044810 Sequence length : 126 VALUES OF COMPUTED PARAMETERS Coef20 : 4.804 CoefTot : -2.720 ChDiff : 3 ZoneTo : 57 KR : 4 DE : 1 CleavSite : 44 HYDROPHOBIC SCALE USED GES KD GVH1 ECS H17 : 2.112 2.200 0.245 0.768 MesoH : -0.683 -0.132 -0.563 0.154 MuHd_075 : 18.116 11.548 7.273 4.188 MuHd_095 : 21.274 18.396 8.987 4.459 MuHd_100 : 20.641 20.789 8.414 5.993 MuHd_105 : 24.249 21.018 7.686 6.432 Hmax_075 : 6.300 9.600 0.516 6.253 Hmax_095 : 0.700 3.762 -0.984 5.285 Hmax_100 : 0.600 27.100 -0.378 8.100 Hmax_105 : 22.400 26.367 4.361 7.817 CLASS NOT-MITO MITO(/CHLORO) DFM : 0.9252 0.0748 DFMC : 0.9661 0.0339
  • ##### ProP v.1.0b ProPeptide Cleavage Site Prediction ##### ##### Furin-type cleavage site prediction (Arginine/Lysine residues) ##### 126 NF0044810 MQGNSRLFFFVLTILSFVMMTLEPYHHHGAVHASSISIPNNRNKVIAGTPKHSYQVGEQEYWFYQRIDHFNALNTDTFPQ 80 RFYKYVPPGVSPESPNHILYICPEGKWFRMKYDEIFPYLKLFKINT 160 ................................................................................ 80 .............................................. 160 Propeptide cleavage sites predicted: Arg(R)/Lys(K): 0 Name Pos Context Score Pred ____________________________v_________________ NF0044810 6 -MQGNSR|LF 0.082 . NF0044810 42 ISIPNNR|NK 0.083 . NF0044810 44 IPNNRNK|VI 0.079 . NF0044810 51 VIAGTPK|HS 0.085 . NF0044810 66 EYWFYQR|ID 0.072 . NF0044810 81 TDTFPQR|FY 0.116 . NF0044810 84 FPQRFYK|YV 0.367 . NF0044810 106 YICPEGK|WF 0.065 . NF0044810 109 PEGKWFR|MK 0.104 . NF0044810 111 GKWFRMK|YD 0.076 . NF0044810 120 EIFPYLK|LF 0.053 . NF0044810 123 PYLKLFK|IN 0.059 . ____________________________^_________________
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Dinesh Gupta lab Translational bioinformatics group, ICGEB, New Delhi, India