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Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ProtPathDB

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  • MitoProt II - v1.101 File : /home/rajan/sadaf/4480_mitoprot/test/NF0057860.fa Sequence name : NF0057860 Sequence length : 336 VALUES OF COMPUTED PARAMETERS Coef20 : 4.186 CoefTot : -0.914 ChDiff : 12 ZoneTo : 28 KR : 3 DE : 0 CleavSite : 22 HYDROPHOBIC SCALE USED GES KD GVH1 ECS H17 : 0.812 1.165 0.145 0.529 MesoH : -0.155 0.080 -0.460 0.198 MuHd_075 : 26.558 25.979 8.605 6.464 MuHd_095 : 29.054 20.064 8.202 5.574 MuHd_100 : 23.572 13.741 5.312 4.423 MuHd_105 : 21.936 6.843 3.789 4.288 Hmax_075 : 22.050 24.850 4.376 7.980 Hmax_095 : 13.125 15.575 2.452 4.940 Hmax_100 : 6.100 14.000 -0.689 3.340 Hmax_105 : 14.100 14.000 0.424 4.860 CLASS NOT-MITO MITO(/CHLORO) DFM : 0.1311 0.8689 DFMC : 0.4236 0.5764 This protein is probably imported in mitochondria. f(Ser) = 0.0714 f(Arg) = 0.0357 CMi = 0.59524 CMi is the Chloroplast/Mitochondria Index It has been proposed by Von Heijne et al (Eur J Biochem,1989, 180: 535-545)
  • ##### ProP v.1.0b ProPeptide Cleavage Site Prediction ##### ##### Furin-type cleavage site prediction (Arginine/Lysine residues) ##### 336 NF0057860 MSANFISFKILNYTLLKPPRWNVFGFIHDGENLLKRRKFPTKRSNIFGKSKWINSLLQHNGTQFHSINFQLLNSSSMLSS 80 TWTIRTRTALNVSIGLYLLINVWNHHQMDPFFLFLWNKKTPSSSETTNPSQQHSPPNSNGNHHHQDANSQSSSMMNTSSN 160 NNNKPPKMKIIKVKPDGNCLFRVISMGLYHTEDYHLQLRLAAVEWMRSHLDTEIDKGLRLRHALILDGPGDNNNNSDIER 240 YYLRNMQCSGVWGDFNCIVALANCLQQPRVQFKIVILSRHNYGARRGNQKIESIVDVQPPSSRSTMNDVKDENVVTVWLA 320 FNQLNNHYDWIQIGTE 400 ................................................................................ 80 ................................................................................ 160 ................................................................................ 240 ................................................................................ 320 ................ 400 Propeptide cleavage sites predicted: Arg(R)/Lys(K): 0 Name Pos Context Score Pred ____________________________v_________________ NF0057860 9 ANFISFK|IL 0.064 . NF0057860 17 LNYTLLK|PP 0.061 . NF0057860 20 TLLKPPR|WN 0.101 . NF0057860 35 DGENLLK|RR 0.051 . NF0057860 36 GENLLKR|RK 0.173 . NF0057860 37 ENLLKRR|KF 0.120 . NF0057860 38 NLLKRRK|FP 0.072 . NF0057860 42 RRKFPTK|RS 0.075 . NF0057860 43 RKFPTKR|SN 0.281 . NF0057860 49 RSNIFGK|SK 0.101 . NF0057860 51 NIFGKSK|WI 0.072 . NF0057860 85 SSTWTIR|TR 0.082 . NF0057860 87 TWTIRTR|TA 0.086 . NF0057860 118 FLFLWNK|KT 0.059 . NF0057860 119 LFLWNKK|TP 0.094 . NF0057860 164 SSNNNNK|PP 0.069 . NF0057860 167 NNNKPPK|MK 0.076 . NF0057860 169 NKPPKMK|II 0.081 . NF0057860 172 PKMKIIK|VK 0.064 . NF0057860 174 MKIIKVK|PD 0.102 . NF0057860 182 DGNCLFR|VI 0.122 . NF0057860 199 DYHLQLR|LA 0.078 . NF0057860 207 AAVEWMR|SH 0.111 . NF0057860 216 LDTEIDK|GL 0.056 . NF0057860 219 EIDKGLR|LR 0.065 . NF0057860 221 DKGLRLR|HA 0.086 . NF0057860 240 NNSDIER|YY 0.100 . NF0057860 244 IERYYLR|NM 0.086 . NF0057860 269 NCLQQPR|VQ 0.077 . NF0057860 273 QPRVQFK|IV 0.109 . NF0057860 279 KIVILSR|HN 0.096 . NF0057860 285 RHNYGAR|RG 0.099 . NF0057860 286 HNYGARR|GN 0.192 . NF0057860 290 ARRGNQK|IE 0.078 . NF0057860 303 VQPPSSR|ST 0.115 . NF0057860 310 STMNDVK|DE 0.071 . ____________________________^_________________
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Dinesh Gupta lab Translational bioinformatics group, ICGEB, New Delhi, India