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Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ProtPathDB

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  • MitoProt II - v1.101 File : /home/rajan/sadaf/4480_mitoprot/test/NF0122010.fa Sequence name : NF0122010 Sequence length : 152 VALUES OF COMPUTED PARAMETERS Coef20 : 4.176 CoefTot : -1.721 ChDiff : 14 ZoneTo : 75 KR : 12 DE : 1 CleavSite : 64 HYDROPHOBIC SCALE USED GES KD GVH1 ECS H17 : 1.253 2.288 0.120 0.736 MesoH : -0.536 0.360 -0.388 0.181 MuHd_075 : 56.044 35.590 16.876 11.964 MuHd_095 : 31.820 23.361 8.270 7.935 MuHd_100 : 25.097 22.086 8.648 6.198 MuHd_105 : 27.895 21.648 9.477 6.379 Hmax_075 : 19.600 21.467 6.845 5.740 Hmax_095 : 13.912 10.300 4.314 5.075 Hmax_100 : 14.800 15.300 3.005 4.140 Hmax_105 : 14.800 18.400 3.005 5.460 CLASS NOT-MITO MITO(/CHLORO) DFM : 0.0749 0.9251 DFMC : 0.0611 0.9389 This protein is probably imported in chloroplast. f(Ser) = 0.1467 f(Arg) = 0.0533 CMi = 1.01382 CMi is the Chloroplast/Mitochondria Index It has been proposed by Von Heijne et al (Eur J Biochem,1989, 180: 535-545)
  • ##### ProP v.1.0b ProPeptide Cleavage Site Prediction ##### ##### Furin-type cleavage site prediction (Arginine/Lysine residues) ##### 152 NF0122010 MQKLKSQKASTLLKQASNVLLLSSTTTNGMSSGISRRIGTIPCSGMMKEVCVRRIFGTSCFKQQKGQYGNKTSLMDPNSE 80 IYNLSSSLSASIRLLNQLATQQRAQYHTTNGVFKKKVSVIPSEILNNNILNVVMIVIILIFFNDKMTFRVGY 160 ................................................................................ 80 ........................................................................ 160 Propeptide cleavage sites predicted: Arg(R)/Lys(K): 0 Name Pos Context Score Pred ____________________________v_________________ NF0122010 3 ----MQK|LK 0.069 . NF0122010 5 --MQKLK|SQ 0.079 . NF0122010 8 QKLKSQK|AS 0.061 . NF0122010 14 KASTLLK|QA 0.090 . NF0122010 36 MSSGISR|RI 0.167 . NF0122010 37 SSGISRR|IG 0.126 . NF0122010 48 PCSGMMK|EV 0.079 . NF0122010 53 MKEVCVR|RI 0.077 . NF0122010 54 KEVCVRR|IF 0.184 . NF0122010 62 FGTSCFK|QQ 0.054 . NF0122010 65 SCFKQQK|GQ 0.069 . NF0122010 71 KGQYGNK|TS 0.057 . NF0122010 93 SLSASIR|LL 0.121 . NF0122010 103 QLATQQR|AQ 0.098 . NF0122010 114 TTNGVFK|KK 0.077 . NF0122010 115 TNGVFKK|KV 0.266 . NF0122010 116 NGVFKKK|VS 0.076 . NF0122010 145 LIFFNDK|MT 0.068 . NF0122010 149 NDKMTFR|VG 0.079 . ____________________________^_________________
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Dinesh Gupta lab Translational bioinformatics group, ICGEB, New Delhi, India