Test datasets: [Positive Test dataset]     [Negative Test dataset]

Prediction results: [Positive Test dataset prediction results]     [Negative Test dataset prediction results]

Standalone version of VirulentPred 2.0: virulentpred_2_0.tar.gz

Software prerequisites:

  1. Operating System (OS): Linux
  2. Python: version 3.8.5 or above (along with "xlwt" and "pandas" module installed)
  3. Perl: version 5.16.3 or above
  4. AutoGluon: version 0.4.0

Instructions to use the standalone version of VirulentPred 2.0 are:

  1. Extract and navigate to the VirulentPred 2.0 standalone directory:
    (i) tar -zxvf virulentpred_2_0.tar.gz
    (ii) cd virulentpred_2_0/
  2. Install AutoGluon (version 0.4.0; More help at AutoGluon 0.4.0 documentation):
    pip3 install -U pip
    pip3 install -U setuptools wheel
    pip3 install torch==1.10.1+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torch_stable.html
    pip3 install autogluon==0.4.0
  3. Install Python's "xlwt" module: pip3 install xlwt
  4. Install Python's "pandas" module: pip3 install pandas
  5. Run VirulentPred 2.0 with sample protein sequences or protein sequences of your interest: perl predict.pl sample_seq.fas